Saturday 28 June 2014

Kwara State To Sack Teachers Without NCE

The Kwara State Teaching Service Commission has concluded plans to remove those teaching without NCE certificate from schools and redeploy them to ministries that are relevant to their fields of study in Kwara State.

The Commissioner for Education and Human Capital Development in the state, Alhaji Saka Onimago said that there are 21, 000 teachers with NCE qualification in the state.

He said that those of them who did not specialize in primary education would be allowed to go for a sandwich course while the redeployment would be done on gradual basis so as not to disrupt academic activities.

These teachers will now work in the mainstream civil service.

This was one of the decisions taken at the end of the state’s executive council meeting presided over by the Kwara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed.

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