These are the complete NLNG SIWES guidelines for those that want to apply for NLNG Industrial Training. We decided to post this article because we hear students say when am i suppose to apply and how am i going to apply, if in case you encounter any challenge feel to leave a comment below this post we promise to give you are prompt feedback.
N/B: Below are list of document that you'll need to submit and the location of your submission is also listed below:
- Letter of introduction(On institution’s letter head paper) from student’s institution (NUC/NBTE approved) clearly indicating the following
- Student’s name
- Course of study
- Level of study
- Duration of SIWES program
- Start and End date
- Name, signature and stamp of institution’s SIWES/IT Coordinator
- Hand Written Application addressed to the Manager HR Services. This should indicate student’s email address and phone number boldly on the top right hand side.
- Valid Student Identity Card
- 2 recent passport photographs
- Students last semester’s registration payment receipt
- Student Log book(s) issued by the requesting institution
- At the point of applying for a SIWES/IT placement, photocopies of the above documents must be submitted. The originals of these documents must be sighted before any student is accepted and offered placement.
Any application without any of the above documents will not be considered.
- All applications must be submitted NOT LATER than 2 months before student’s SIWES/IT Commencement date indicated in their letter of request.
- Applications can only be submitted on the last week of each Month.
- Application submission time is 9am–2 pm daily. The Venue is Employee services Section (HRP/1) I.A. Admin Building Bonny and NLNG ISB Reception Port Harcourt. Enquiries can also be made on such days.
- SIWES/IT intake will be done Quarterly (commencing 2nd quarter of each year) this means NLNG will ONLY accept Students in April, July and October yearly.
- Duration for SIWES application remains 6 months (at a stretch) for University students and 4 months for ND students from Polytechnics who have completed their 1st year (ITF requirement). While Industrial Training (1 year) is reserved for Post ND Polytechnic graduates seeking Admission for HND (NBTE requirement).
applies at least 2 months before commencement date of his/her program.
is considered using (but not limited to) the criteria mentioned above.
list in accordance with demand from Departments is released by HRP/1, two weeks
to the commencement date for each Quarter.
checks names on the list. If Successful, receives an offer letter in which the
Induction date is stated.
commence program after their induction.
who could not attend induction will be replaced by another candidate on the
wait list.
- Please be rest assured that all applications will be considered based on its merit and in accordance with the National Guidelines issued by ITF/NBTE.
- Students studying for Diploma Certificates in the Universities or courses not listed in ITF’s SIWES Guidelines booklet need not apply.
- NLNG does not provide accommodation.
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