Monday 20 July 2015

What Next After A Poor First Year Performance In The University

Having gone through the university and understood the academic plight of most students, I have decided to wade into the lives of those who are privileged to be reading this, and help turn their faces to smiling ones. For those who have had a poor performance in their first year in the university, there is still a big room for improvement. If you have asked yourself this question, "what should I do after such a poor performance in my first year?” then, this is definitely for your consumption.

Firstly, you have to change your mindset. This is the first point of having an academic turn around. If you do not believe that you can do it, then your efforts will go down the drain. Your mindset has to be the life force to any effort you would be putting in. Remember,
 “if you believe it, you can achieve it".

Secondly, be open to correction. You don't expect a better performance when you still do the same thing over and over again. You ought to identify the areas you got it wrong, and try adopting better and working methods. If you do copy assignments from friends, start doing them yourself. If you read for an hour a day, take it up to three or four hours. Change your circle of friends if you discover that they don't in any way help your academics. If also you find out that you don’t get it when you study you can still try splitting the topic or even the course among those that are more perfect in your level.

Finally, you should have a good study plan and follow it religiously. Your study plan should favour your productive hours (night or day). You should always have the end (your goal ) in mind. This will help you discipline yourself as regards side attractions. And please don’t forget to put God first as he sees you through life victoriously

I would like to conclude by letting you know that I have seen a person who had a 0.9 CGPA in her first year, and graduated with a second class upper. You can be like that person. But you have got to change your mindset, plan yourself, study hard and stay disciplined.

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